Mr. Chris Day
Design Center, Analog Devices, Santa Rosa, CA
Abstract: The movement towards a remote workforce brought on by the COVID pandemic have combined with competition to place strong pressure on Cable Television operators to increase their network performance. Recent industry initiatives are touting up to 10 GBps using the existing coaxial cables with upgraded repeater amplifiers. A new DOCSIS (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification) standard has been approved with significant trials slated for later this year. The new specification, DOCSIS 4.0, supports two divergent architectures each with strengths and weaknesses.
In this presentation, physical-layer technologies that enable DOCSIS 4.0 systems to reach their goals are discussed. Achieving higher levels of signal output to overcome losses in cables without adding distortion is essential to transmit more complex signal modulation that improve spectral efficiency. Improved amplifier linearity continues to be a key enabler for many communication networks. It can be achieved through a combination of newer device technologies such as GaN (Gallium-Nitride) and careful design with an array of linearization circuit techniques.
Bio: Chris Day has 35 years of experience in RF circuits, systems, and markets. After working at Hewlett Packard Santa Rosa for 9 years as an R&D Engineer on Vector Network Analyzers, he became an entrepreneur in the Cable Television industry. He co-founded three companies over a 25-year period, including TriAccess Technologies (acquired by TriQuint Semiconductor in 2009) and OneTree Microdevices (acquired by Analog Devices in 2017). He currently works for Analog Devices as a Design Center Director in their Santa Rosa office. He has a BSEE from UC Berkeley and an MBA from Golden Gate University. He has 6 patents on broadband amplifier linearization.
Each spring and fall, the Engineering Department at SSU presents a series of colloquia on a wide range of engineering topics and trend of technologies. The talks are generally very high-level and designed for the general audience. The Engineering Colloquium was established in Fall 2006 and was initially sponsored by former Agilent Technologies (now Keysight Technologies) and local industries.
Days & Dates: First and Third Thursday of every month
Zoom ID:
Lecture: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. including Q &A
For more information, please contact the ES Department at (707) 664-2030 or sends e-mail).