The HUB Cultural Center
The Botanical bus is a bilingual mobile herb clinic that empowers holistic health by-and-for Latine and Indigenous peoples.
Join us for the Spanish/English wellness workshop that centers Indigenous cycles of healing connected to the seasons facilitated by Lu Lu Peréz Centurión. María “LuLu” de Lourdes Pérez Centurión was born in Uruapan del Progreso Michoacan, Mexico. She is proud of her Purhepechas and Veracruzanas roots with Oaxacan embers. Maria is a promotora de salud (community health worker), birth doula and massage therapist. She has studied and practiced herbal medicine for over 20-years. Her practice includes specialization in indigestion; nervous tension; infant cranial therapy; womb and postpartum care.
For more information please email Shelly,