CSU - Becoming an Ally to the Undocumented Community

Tuesday, September 19, 2023, 2:00pm

TO: Sonoma State Employees
FR: DREAM Center, in partnership with Learning and Development

Sonoma State University and the CSU is committed to ensuring access to educational opportunities and promoting a sense of belonging for all students, regardless of their immigration status. As part of the commitment, the Chancellor’s Office in collaboration with campus Dream Centers and students throughout the system, have developed a systemwide training course entitled CSU-Becoming an Ally to the Undocumented Community

This training course was developed to increase awareness and understanding of undocumented and mix-status student issues, explaining key concepts, fostering a culturally responsive pedagogy approach in the classroom and providing resources to support students. Managers, faculty and staff, including student employees, can all benefit from becoming an UndocuAlly and are encouraged to consider taking this training offered via CSU Learn. The course may be accessed by following the direct link or by logging into CSU Learn via the SSU Online Services Portal Page and searching for, “CSU-Becoming an Ally to the Undocumented Community.”

If you have further questions about ways you, or your department, can better support our undocumented and/or mix-status students, please reach out to the Sonoma State DREAM Center or email dreamcenter@sonoma.edu. For additional resources related to CSU Learn and professional development, please visit Human Resources Training and Workshops website or email ssutraining@sonoma.edu

CSU Learn Course Information