Rumer Godden Screen Adaptations. Co-sponsored by The Sitting Room Community Library, which all this Fall is enjoying reading the still seductive writings of Rumer Godden. Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger’s resplendent adaptation of Rumer Godden’s novel about a group of nuns struggling to establish a mission in the remote Himalayas. The film is a psychologically acute, powerful study of the conflict between Christianity and the forces of nature. As the nuns do battle with the rigors of climate, they must also confront the forces of mysticism, madness and sexual frustration. Deborah Kerr won the New York Film Critics Award for Best Actress, and Jack Cardiff won a well-deserved Oscar for his outstanding Technicolor cinematography. Terry Ebinger will introduce BLACK NARCISSUS and lead a discussion after the screenings. Released: 1947 Run time: 100 min. View BLACK NARCISSUS Trailer