Campus Safety Update

Wednesday, September 7, 2022, 9:00am

Dear Seawolves,

As you may be aware, an incident occurred just before midnight on Saturday, September 3rd, in parking lot R12 near Tuscany Village. The situation, described as “a stabbing,” was conveyed to the SSU community via emergency message, with more details following, including a brief description of the alleged attacker and reassurance that the campus had been thoroughly searched and the SSU community was safe.

As someone who lives on campus, I understand how disconcerting and even frightening these incidents and alerts can be, especially in the middle of the night. But I am also extremely grateful for the expertise and experience of the Sonoma State University Police Department (SSUPD), along with additional campus emergency services. As you can see from the timely warning bulletin Chief Oweis sent out on September 4th, the incident was likely the result of a local road rage confrontation that spilled into the campus parking lot, and the stab wound was a non-life threatening arm wound that was treated at a local hospital.

If the last several years have taught us anything, it is that violence can happen anywhere and everywhere. We feel safe, not because our environment is pristine, but because we have the resources to ensure adequate protection and communication. And I want to reassure you that we have those resources – we have the staffing and expertise on the ground to manage incidents such as happened this weekend. When you receive an SSU ALERT, please know that you are being given information relevant to your safety on campus, information vetted by the SSUPD and/or additional safety and emergency services. Investigations are ongoing, and more information will be appropriately disclosed as it is verified. Federal, state, and local reporting requirements ensure transparency, and services such as 24/7 campus safety escorts remain in place for all SSU community members. SSUPD also provides the following instructions:

  • Immediately and promptly report any suspected crime, suspicious persons, or activities by calling 911 or the non-emergency line at 707-664-4444 or by utilizing one of the many Blue Light Phones on campus.
  • If you believe that you or someone else is in an unsafe situation, please do not delay calling 911 or seeking assistance from others. 
  • Be alert to your surroundings. Your actions as an active bystander can help prevent crimes from occurring within our campus community. 
  • Call the Sonoma State University Police Department at (707) 664-4444 for an on-campus safety escort or walk with another person or group of people.  

Safety is not just a physical condition, however, and incidents such as this weekend’s confrontation can be triggering. Please know that we are always working to ensure that you have the resources you need to support your emotional and mental health:

Finally, I extend my appreciation to SSUPD and all of our emergency and health care personnel, for your dedication and expertise. And to my fellow Seawolves, I offer my solidarity in wanting SSU to be the best and safest community it can be.



Mike Lee Signature File.jpg
Mike Lee, Ph.D