Summer HR Update

Friday, July 8, 2022, 1:45pm

TO: Sonoma State Employees
FR: Human Resources

Thank you to all who came out to the 21/22 Scoops of Gratitude event. In case you were not able to attend or didn’t get a chance to see all the shout outs received, the presentation can be viewed here ( Please also save-the-date for the return of the Faculty and Staff Milestones Ceremony which will be held on November 17th. The ceremony recognizes faculty and staff who hit service milestones these past few years.

As a reminder, the Employee Wellness Program is back and we are excited to offer lunchtime yoga 4 days a week. Please know you need not be a master yogi to join. These sessions are open to all and a great opportunity to meet employees from other units, while also taking a break to stretch and have a midday reset.  

  • Mondays and Thursdays (12-1pm, Ives 80): Meditative Yoga with Jeanne Janae 
  • Tuesdays and Wednesdays (12-1pm, Ives 80): Yoga Flow with Kim Purdy

HR has received some questions about the swimming pool and confirmed that, unfortunately, at this time there is no employee access available. The Rec Center is however offering a summer membership at a reduced fee. For $45, employees can access the Rec Center (Monday-Friday, 10-6pm) through August 12th. Additional employee membership options follow:

  • Daily pass - $5
  • 30 day pass - $30
  • Semester pass - $85
  • Annual pass - $250

We are also excited to announce an excuse to dress down and lean into summer with some optional upcoming theme days:

  • Monday, July 11:     SSU Spirit Day 
  • Tuesday, July 19:     Sports Team Day 
  • Wednesday, July 27:     Silly Sock Day
  • Thursday, August 4:     Favorite Hat Day
  • Friday, August 12:     SSU Spirit Day

Finally, we want to encourage employees to look at their vacation accruals to ensure you will not be over the maximum come December. The CSU vacation accrual policy states that vacation leave credits that exceed the allowable accrual maximums will be forfeited, effective January 1 of each year. With this in mind, and knowing there are so many physical and psychological benefits to taking time off, we hope to encourage employees to make time to unplug and recharge this summer.

Maximum vacation hours for carryover (by CBA)

Collective Bargaining Unit

10 years of Service or Less

More than 10 years of Service

Physicians – Unit 1



CSUEU – Units 2, 5, 7 & 9



12-month Faculty – Unit 3 



APC – Unit 4



Teamsters – Unit 6



SUPA – Unit 8



MPP and C99