ScholarShare December Promotion

Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 9:30am

TO: SSU Faculty and Staff
FR: Payroll and Benefits

Our valued partner, ScholarShare, understands that saving for college can be overwhelming. Sometimes just getting started is the hardest part. 

To celebrate the holidays, ScholarShare is running a special promotion from December 6th - 15th. To learn more about this limited time offer, please refer to the attached flyer (English and Spanish) or visit This is a great opportunity to begin your child’s journey to higher education: ScholarShare 529 is flexible, affordable and comes with a wide variety of investment portfolios. Plus, there are low fees and tax-free qualified withdrawals for use at most colleges, universities and trade schools.

If you have further questions regarding this benefit, please consider attending a webinar or make an appointment for a free consultation with a college savings specialist.