Joyce Lopes, Chief Financial Officer and Vice President for Administration and Finance, informs all employees that in an effort to answer questions and provide information about the fall repopulation of campus, several Fall Repopulation Forums have been scheduled.
Missy Brunetta, Director for Emergency Services and Associate Risk Manager, and Kendall Newman, Operations Manager for Risk Management, informs the campus community that SSU's Office of Emergency Services is coordinating with the Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE) to provide access codes for vaccine appointments for university employees.
Joyce Lopes, Chief Financial Officer and Vice President for Administration and Finance, shares the Statement of Ethics with the Sonoma State University campus community.
Christopher Dinno, Chief Planning Officer, shares with the Sonoma State University campus community that while the Stevenson Hall Renovation project is underway and good progress has been made on the demolition, the construction schedule is delayed and will impact the renovation’s completion date, move-in, and opening for the fall semester 2022.
Joyce Lopes, Vice President for Administration and Finance, Jeff Banks, Associate Vice President for Human Resources, and Deborah A. Roberts, Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs announce that President Sakaki and the Cabinet have agreed to offer a voluntary Early Exit Program (EEP) for SSU CalPERS service retirement eligible-employees with 10 years or more of service at SSU.
David Chun, Chief Information Officer, Justin Lipp, Ph.D., Director of Center For Teaching and Learning, and Andru Luvisi, Information Security Officer, share best practices for securing your Zoom meetings for all Sonoma State University employees.
Nader Oweis, Chief of Police of the Sonoma State Police Department, informs the Sonoma State University campus community of the death of a local resident who was found near the Butterfly Garden on campus early this morning.
Joyce Lopes, Vice President for Business and Finance, and Laura Lupei, Senior Director for University Budget and Planning, inform all Sonoma State University employees about Governor Gavin Newsom's new budget update.
Wm. Gregory Sawyer, Vice President for Student Affairs, Nader Oweis, Chief of Police, Sonoma State Police Department, and David Chun, Chief Information Officer update the Sonoma State University campus community on an incident of racism during a Black History Month Zoom event.