Dr. Ryan Jasen Henne, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students, provides information and details to the campus community about the upcoming Noma Nation Orientation happening on Friday, November 3.
Sonoma State University invites employees to attend the SSU Annual Campus Winter Celebration, happening on December 1 in the Student Center Ballroom.
J. Dana Twedell, Associate Vice President for Facilities Planning and Operations, informs the campus community that Facilities Management will be utilizing goats and sheep for managed grazing of specified areas on campus.
Sonoma State University's Payroll and Benefits shares upcoming wellness opportunities offered during November to employees on campus.
Jeffery Keating, Associate Vice President for Government Relations and Strategic Communications, shares a letter from the CSU Office of the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources regarding recent developments in negotiations between the CSU and the California Faculty Association.
Sonoma State University's Payroll and Benefits department reminds employees of the deadline to opt-in for the new paperless W-2 Statement feature in Cal Employee Connect (CEC).
Dr. Ed Mills, Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management, provides the campus community with his first strategic enrollment update.
Nader Oweis, Chief of Police, alerts the campus community of a recent incident involving vandalism to the soccer field and requests community assistance in identifying the suspect(s) involved.
Karen Moranski, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, announces that the Provost’s Office has completed the search for an Ombudsperson and a Faculty Mentor Director.
Sonoma State University's Human Resources department invites and encourages all SSU community members to attend the open forums to meet the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs search finalists.