Laura Williams, Interim Director for the Student Health Center, informs the campus community of a temporary disruption in student access to the symptom screening survey and COVID Clearance Status Indicators through the MyHealthPortal on Wednesday, July 13.
J. Dana Twedell, Associate Vice President for Facilities Operations and Planning, informs the campus community of Executive Order: N-7-22 – CA which calls for water use reductions across the State.
David Crozier, Associate Vice President for Financial Services, informs all Sonoma State employees of an addition made to AB 1887 State-Funded Travel Restrictions.
M. Monir Ahmed, Vice President of Administration and Finance and CFO, provides the campus community with an update on the 2022-2023 Final State Budget and Campus Budget Planning.
Sonoma State University's Human Resources department gives an update and information on summer events, programs, and opportunities.
On behalf of COVID Monitoring and Compliance Team, Kendall Newman informs all employees that Sonoma State University has been notified of a COVID-19 positive case on-campus.
Neil Markley, Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance, gives the campus community an update about campus culinary venues during Summer 2022.
On behalf of COVID Monitoring and Compliance Team, Kendall Newman informs all employees that Sonoma State University has been notified of a COVID-19 positive case on-campus.
Sonoma State University's Payroll and Benefits department shares the line-up for Wellness Webinars offered by Kaiser Permanente this month.
Nader Oweis, Chief of Police, provides an update to the campus community about the Crime Bulletin issued on June 27, 2022.